HIP Investigator, Dr. Jen Weiss presenting at upcoming UW Department of Population Health Sciences Monday Seminar Series on 4/11

Jennifer WeissHIP Investigator, Dr. Jen Weiss and Matt Gigot will be presenting at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Population Health Sciences Monday Seminar Series on 4/11. Their presentation: Measuring and Addressing Health Disparities Through a Statewide Quality Improvement Collaborative will address important topics on health disparities. To view the full details of the seminar, click here or view below.

When: Monday, April 11th, 12:00-1:00 pm

Where: Health Services Learning Center (HSLC), Room 1335

Zoom: https://uwmadison.zoom.us/j/5247104965?pwd=T1ZPQTBhb2QxM3NlUUtxZ2ZDdDh0Zz09
Meeting ID: 524 710 4965 Passcode: 888825


Learning objectives:

  1. Understand the role that regional quality improvement collaboratives play in addressing health disparities
  2. Become familiar with novel ways to measure and identify health disparities utilizing electronic health record data
  3. Recognize the importance of researchers partnering with statewide collaboratives to help study, design, and implement quality improvement interventions