HIP Investigator, Dr. Jen Weiss and Matt Gigot will be presenting at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Population Health Sciences Monday Seminar Series on 4/11. Their presentation: Measuring and Addressing Health Disparities Through a Statewide Quality Improvement Collaborative will address important topics on health disparities. To view the full details of the seminar, click here or view below.
When: Monday, April 11th, 12:00-1:00 pm
Where: Health Services Learning Center (HSLC), Room 1335
Zoom: https://uwmadison.zoom.us/j/5247104965?pwd=T1ZPQTBhb2QxM3NlUUtxZ2ZDdDh0Zz09
Meeting ID: 524 710 4965 Passcode: 888825
Learning objectives:
- Understand the role that regional quality improvement collaboratives play in addressing health disparities
- Become familiar with novel ways to measure and identify health disparities utilizing electronic health record data
- Recognize the importance of researchers partnering with statewide collaboratives to help study, design, and implement quality improvement interventions