Although contraceptive provision after delivery often occurs at the postpartum follow-up visit, hospitals can help patients to access desired care by offering the full method mix before discharge. Long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARC)—intrauterine devices (IUDs) and implants—may be attractive options because they are highly effective and can be provided before patients leave the hospital, called “immediate postpartum” (IPP) placement.
This study from HIP Investigator Dr. Marguerite Burns aimed to estimate the association between Medicaid unbundling of payment for long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARC) from the global delivery fee and immediate postpartum (IPP) LARC provision, in a state outside a select group of early-adopters. The study also examines the potential moderating roles of hospital academic affiliation and Catholic status on the association between unbundling and IPP LARC provision.
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