Uncontrolled glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels are associated with adverse events among complex diabetic patients. These adverse events present serious health risks to affected patients and are associated with significant financial costs. Thus, a high-quality predictive model that could identify high-risk patients so as to inform preventative treatment has the potential to improve patient outcomes while reducing healthcare costs.
In this study from HIP Investigator Dr. Maureen Smith, they propose a sequential predictive model that uses accumulating patient longitudinal data to classify patients as: high-risk, low-risk, or uncertain. Patients classified as high-risk are then recommended to receive preventative treatment and those classified as low-risk are recommended to standard care. Patients classified as uncertain are monitored until a high-risk or low-risk determination is made. The model was constructed using claims and enrollment files from Medicare, linked with patient electronic health records (EHR) data. The proposed model uses functional principal components to accommodate noisy longitudinal data and weighting to deal with missingness and sampling bias. The proposed method demonstrates higher predictive accuracy and lower cost than competing methods in a series of simulation experiments and application to data on complex patients with diabetes.
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